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School Council

23/24 School Council

Chair- LaKeria Clayton

Vice Chair- Lindsay Mancell 

Treasurer- Crystal Murray

Secretary- Kelsey Hanson 

Hot Lunch Co-Ordinator- Cherelle Bundziak

Christmas Market Organizer- Carmen Archer

NEXT SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING- September 24, 2024 at 6:30pm.  All parents and guardians are welcome to attend.  Please come to the front doors to be let in to the building for the meeting.  You may email mattieschoolcouncil@gmail.com if you would like a link to join virtually.  Nominations and voting for the School Council Executive will take place during this meeting.

You can contact School Council at mattieschoolcouncil@gmail.com

Mattie McCullough School Council is an association of parents, teachers,

school administration and community representatives who work together to

promote the well being and effectiveness of the entire school community. All

parents with children attending Mattie McCullough are invited to participate in

the activities of the School Council. Meetings occur once a month and last

approximately 1.5 hours. The meetings provide an excellent opportunity to

meet other parents, to stay informed, and provide input into school policies

and procedures.

Mattie McCullough Parent Association, which runs parallel with the School

Council, raises funds to support special projects in the school.

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