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Eastview Awards


June 26, 2024

  1. Honors Certificates 

    • Will be awarded to students who have achieved A’s in 3 out of 4 core subjects (Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and Language Arts)

  1. Honors of Distinction Certificates

    • Will be awarded to students who have achieved A’s in 4 out of 4 core subjects (Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and Language Arts)

  1. Core Subject Awards (Math; Sciences; ELA; SS; P.E for all 3 grades)

    • A different student will be recognized for each subject in each homeroom class for excellence in a core subject area. (ex.  6-A, 6-B, 6-C, 6-D, 6-E, 6-F, 6-G)

    • Not necessary top academic – (we are looking for our all-around students) 

    • These awards are chosen based upon the following criteria: citizenship, attendance, work ethic in class, homework completion and/or academic achievement

    • Pod Teacher Groups will decide on these awards

  1. Most Improved Student (in each homeroom class)

    • These awards are to recognize students who have made the greatest improvement throughout the school year

    • These awards are NOT to be awarded to students who have achieved an A grade in the first 2 terms as this award is recognizing improvement.

    • Criteria includes: determination, dedication to learning, motivation, and attitude

    • Pod Teacher Groups will decide on these awards

5.    Rising Star Award (Overall Most Improved)

  • One student chosen per grade (grades 6,7,8)

  • The Rising Star Award recognizes students who have demonstrated vast improvements through the year.  They are hard-working, show tremendous potential, and strive for excellence.  

  • This award is sponsored by Hucal & Edwards 

  • Professional grade teams (6, 7, 8) will select the award recipients

6.     Eagle Pride Awards

  • One student chosen for grade 6, 7 and 8

  • Criteria includes the characteristics from the Eastview Mission Statement - Inspiring PRIDE through the pursuit of lifelong learning.  Prepared - Respect - Integrity - Determination - Excellence.  

  • Professional grade teams (6, 7, 8) will select the award recipients

Fine Arts Awards

7.  Music Awards 

  • One student from each grade will be awarded the most outstanding performer 

  • One student from each grade will be awarded the most dedicated performer

  • The music teachers will select the awards winners

8. Visual Arts

  • One student from each grade will be awarded the most outstanding artist 

  • One student from each grade will be awarded the most dedicated artist

  • The visual art’s teachers will select the awards winners

9. Drama

  • One student from each grade will be awarded the most outstanding student

  • One student from each grade will be awarded the most dedicated student

  • The drama teachers will select the awards winners

Athletic Awards

10.  Top Player (MVP)

  • Top player (MVP) will be awarded for all teams (Junior, Bantam, Senior and City)

  • Coaches, in consultation with the Athletic Director, will decide on these awards

11. Eagle Awards  

  • Awarded to one player on each of the Junior, Bantam, Senior and City teams

  • Criteria includes: hardest working, best team player, positive attitude, commitment  

  • Coaches, in consultation with the Athletic Director, will decide on these awards

12.  Athlete of the Year 

  • Awarded to the top male and female student athlete in grades  6, 7, and 8.

  • Coaches, in consultation with the Athletic Director, will decide on these awards

  • In the spirit of these awards we are looking for different students to win different awards (ex. MVP vs Eagle)

  • Coaches, in consultation with the Athletic Director, will decide on these awards

13.  Spirit of Eastview Award

  • Given to a person/organization who has donated significant time at EMS in the given school year

  • The administration of Eastview Middle select the recipient

14.  Principal’s Award

  • Recognition of two of our all-around top Grade 8 students 

  • Two students will be awarded plaques and certificates

  • Criteria includes: citizenship, academic performance, attendance, work ethic in class, involved in Fine Arts and/or athletics and participation in school events 

  • The Grade 8 teachers select this recipient

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